Thursday, May 6, 2010

My cats have a death wish...

Wo, that cat potty training had been a success, because I'm getting really tired of sweeping up cat litter every day. The little bastards are clearly building sandcastles in it. I'm considering building a Katt Bank (check it out at and notice that I'm building my own instead of paying out the nose for one). If they weren't so darn cute, I would have punted them a long time ago. ;) Check out Franklin lounging in the bathroom sink! I put up a birdfeeder right outside one of the windows in my house so they can watch some kitty TV. They've now figured out that they can jump up in all of the window sills, not just that one.
Exciting news--I got accepted into the FNP program at IUPUI. I know it's going to be a lot of hard work, but it will all be worth it when my dream of becoming a Nurse Practitioner is realized. Summer classes start on the 13th and boy am I going to be busy! I'm trying to take advantage of having a couple of weeks off to enjoy reading for leisure and get my garden totally under control by that time. I've also been busy studying for the CCRN certification exam. Yikes!

I had a scare the other day when I came home from work and found Caddie limping pretty badly. Fortunately, it cleared up in a couple of days and she's back to her spry self. It's so awful when our pets aren't feeling well. I wish I could talk to them Dr. Doolittle-style, but alas, without illicit drugs, it's just not possible. It's hard to believe that Caddie is six years old this month! Happy Birthday to you, my canine BFF. Thanks for always being ready with a snuggle for me.