Friday, March 12, 2010

Small success!

I'm totally stoked! After much trepidation, the cats used the modified litter box/toilet yesterday. Check them out eating some treats off the toilet seat! It took some effort on my part--I had to take them in there every few hours and place them in the litter, but they are using it like champs today. Everything I read about this process says that patience is truly the key. This could take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months and if the cats show signs of discomfort, it's best to back up to the previous steop and proceed cautiously. We all know how cats hate to have their proverbial apple carts upset! Taking it slow should ensure that they don't potty elsewhere in retaliation. I've also taken to keeping every door and cabinet closed tightly so they don't have the opportunity to sneak off and do something naughty! (Another tip I'm borrowing from puppy housetraining.)

Today I will scoop out the used litter and also reduce the amount of litter in the pan. It's important to keep things clean since cats don't like using a smelly litter box. This has also proved to be incredibly messy. With no lid to catch the excess litter, it looks like I've been using a wood chipper in the bathroom. But a few days of extra sweeping will be worth it if I can get rid of litter for good!

In a side note, my parents are out of town and I'm dogsitting for them this week. Please welcome Emma to my zoo! Does anyone have any tips for keeping dogs out of cat food? I came downstairs this morning to find two empty cat bowls. Since my dog Caddie doesn't touch the stuff and a bowl of food can last Franklin and Linus several days, I suspect the culprit is our new zoo mate.

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