Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More adventures in gardening

I can't believe how awesome my yard is looking! There's greenery and beauty everywhere. I wish I had before and after pictures so I could show you what a hole it was three years ago when I moved in. Weeds everywhere, no flowers, broken, it's a backyard oasis! I love spending time out there, watching the birds, listening to the sounds, and smelling the roses.

My vegetable garden is coming along swimmingly. I'm already stalking the Cabbage Moth in order to protect my brassicas. I've had one broccoli plant bite the dust! The seeds I started inside are doing so-so. Some look great, some need some TLC. I've been able to put them out in the sun on these nice warm days, which seems to be helping somewhat. We shall see...

I enjoy gardening for several reasons. I get a tremendous sense of accomplishment from working outside in my yard, even if I've only spent a few minutes pulling weeks. Being outside is also a great way to get to know my neighbors. We're never too busy to give at least a friendly wave! Gardening is also a great way to bridge generations. My grandparents and I can always trade tips when we're visiting and many of my elderly patients love to tell me about what they've got growing! They are a wealth of knowledge. Children can also get in on the act! Kids can pull weeds, plant seeds, water, play with worms, and learn about the life cycles of plants from spending time outside with you.

One of the ways we can be good stewards of the Earth is to teach children (and learn ourselves!) where our food comes from. We need to realize that tomatoes that show up in our grocery stores in November aren't the norm and come at a very high environmental price! Those tomatoes were grown with a lot of chemicals and had to trucked thousands of miles from a warmer climate. The farmers who grew them make just pennies per pound because distributors won't pay a fair price for them Waiting to eat them when they are in season is a special treat, and it's even sweeter if you grow them yourself. Don't get me wrong--I love to splurge on bananas and pineapples--things that will never grow in Indiana--but if we can reduce the amount of "out of season" and non-native produce we buy just a little bit, it can make a huge difference. Take a look at the label on those fruits and veggies next time you're at the store. Where were they grown? How many miles did it take to get them to your local supermarket, and at what cost to the farmers who grew them and the environment?

Want to get in on the local produce buying scene? You're in luck! It's easier than ever these days. Farmer's markets are very popular these days. Many communities have them on days other than Saturdays now, so you can sleep in on the weekend and still hit one up during the week. Consider joining a Community Supported Agriculture program, which brings amazing local produce right to your door! Participants subscribe to the program, which guarantees the farmers a fair price for their produce and other goods, and in turn we get the best of the best of their harvest. When my Basic Roots (look Kay and Sue up on Facebook for more info) delivery comes in the middle of each month, it's like Christmas! Even the Marsh supermarket closest to my house carries some local produce. Choosing this over something trucked in from Mexico guarantees that I get the very best produce for the smallest carbon impact.

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